Our Team

William R. Concepcion
Chief of Geographic Information Systems


Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA/1975/B.A.

Mr. Concepcion joined Duenas, Camacho and Associates, Inc. in April 2001 as Saipan Office Manager/GIS Specialist. Since joining the firm, he has been involved in the coordination and support of various surveying, planning, engineering, environmental and construction management projects on Saipan, Rota, and Tinian. He was the Team Leader for the CNMI Dept. of Public Lands Unified GIS and Public Land Use Modeling component of the Public Land Use Update Project.

Mr. Concepcion is currently both the Saipan Office Manager/GIS manager. He has been spending time working out of the Guam Office where he provides GIS resources direction and support and also participated as GIS planner in many of the projects requiring spatial analysis expertise.

Mr. Concepcion has extensive knowledge and experience pertaining to all aspects of planning, development and management of land in the CNMI. He served the former MPLC as Executive Director and Chief Land Use Planner from 1979-1994. He served on many government task forces and blue ribbon committees pertaining to land development and the environment. He was appointed and elected Chairman of the reconstituted Saipan Zoning Board in December 2004.

Mr. Concepcion served 10 years as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. His last assignment was Commander of Company C, 100th/442nd Infantry on Saipan from 1988-1994. Mr. Concepcion worked for the Guam Bureau of Planning from 1975-1979, starting as Planner I and advancing to Planner IV. He was involved in the preparation of the Guam Comprehensive Development Plan. He left the Bureau of Planning to join the Marianas Public Land Corporation as Chief Planner in 1979.