Our Team

Kenneth M. Rekdahl, P.E.
Chief of Special Projects
Professional Registration
P.E. Registration # 1321 (Guam)
P.E. Registration #384 (Saipan)
University of Southern California/ 2002/ M.S. Civil Engineering
University of Guam/ 2000/ B.A. Mathematics
Mr. Rekdahl joined Dueñas Camacho & Associates, Inc. in October 2003, as a Civil Engineer and now is the Special Projects Division Manager. Mr. Rekdahl has assisted and led the DCA teams on a number of civil/environmental projects involving water distribution and treatment, waste water collection and treatment, hazardous waste abatement, air quality sampling and modeling, storm water runoff, solid waste management and project management.
Prior to joining DCA, Mr. Rekdahl worked as an Engineer for Raytheon Technical Services Guam, Inc. on a wide verity of water and wastewater projects. Projects involved water quality, water treatment, wastewater quality, wastewater treatment, water distribution, wastewater collection and project management.
Mr. Rekdahl holds additional licensees in the following fields:
- Water Distribution Operator I
- Wastewater Collection Operator II
- Wastewater Treatment Operator II
- Backflow Assembly Tester
Mr. Rekdahl’s graduate research consisted of a hydraulic analysis of Los Angeles County water shed. The research consisted of a complete review of all the past rainfall data available at the Los Angeles Department of Public Works and a statistical analysis of the available data. Other research included Tsunami modeling, ground-borne vibrations and network hydraulics.